If My Heart Had Wings SKIDROW Repack is an animated visual novel that tells the tale of a refreshing yet bittersweet youth story. SKIDROW – Free download If My Heart Had Wings Uncensored Full Version released on 26 June 2016 by SKIDROW. If My Heart Had Wings Uncensored Patch Steam.Again, the process should remain the same if you downloaded it from the DA-1click option. All 7 parts (.rar files) of ‘IF MY HEART HAD WINGS UNCENSOR PATCH'. The process should still be the same if you downloaded it from the DA-1click option. All 16 parts (.rar files) of ‘IF MY HEART HAD WINGS'. With his childhood friend Ageha in tow, they resurrect the soaring club in order to fulfill a childhood dream: to fly on a glider. On the hill lined with windmills, he met a wheelchair-ridden girl Kotori and watched the gliders overhead in awe. Aoi returned to his hometown of Kazegaura where a gentle breeze blows through the streets, having lost his direction in life.